When current events call, enrage, or inspire me to do so, I do live-streaming via YouTube as well; in the “I’m Just Gonna Say It” LIVE Updates. From current events to random mind farts, the topics are slave to the circumstances.
In these shows I allow myself to be less bound by the scientific method – after all, I’m not there to censor myself – and more prone to give my own opinions. I also enjoy the live interaction with you, the listener/reader, so don’t forget to join me during the next LIVE Update.
See you there,
The Science of Magick: An interview with Dr. Dean Radin, Ph.D. - Proof for the Paranormal - Ep. 47
The Poltergeist Phenomenon, Part III: Psychokinesis vs. Survival Hypothesis - P4P - Episode 45
The Poltergeist Phenomenon, part II: An interview with Dr. Dick Bierman - P4P - Episode 41
The Poltergeist Phenomenon - Top 10 Best Poltergeists caught on tape - P4P - episode 38
Introduction to Parapsychology: True science or pseudoscience? - P4P - episode 35
Episode 27: Declassified: How Remote Viewing was used to SPY on the Russians.
Episode 23: What is the difference between Evidence and Proof? (And why it is important)
My UFO pictures & more on Parapsychology
I accidentally caught an orb on video
Some thoughts on the fallacies of seeing & observing
Science, Spirituality & What connects them, part III - Remote Viewing and the Stargate Experiments
Science, Spirituality & What connects them, part II - Consciousness and Mind over Matter